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T. The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution- An Emergency Remedial Earth Edition E. T. The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution- An Emergency Remedial Earth Edition: Zoev Jho, Mission Control: www.doorway.ru: Books. Diana Luppi / ZOEV JHO, wrote the underground sensation, ET The Cosmic Instruction Manual, over 25 years ago. It has created an enormous ripple over the years, and is now making a galactic “comeback”. Translations in many languages are being prepared, as the “new wave” hits the shores. . E.T. The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary EvolutionPaperback – June 1, byMission Control(Author), Zoev Jho(Author) › Visit Amazon's Zoev Jho Page. Find all the books, read about the author, and more.
E.T. The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution/Emergency Remedial Earth Edition de Jho, Zoev en www.doorway.ru - ISBN - ISBN. E.T. The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution An Emergency Remedial Earth Edition Co-created by Mission Control and Zoev Jho DEDICATION. Seller Notes: “This book is in very good condition. There is some very slight wear on the corners of the book, and there is also an address sticker on the.